Rakaia Businesses
A large array of businesses are based in Rakaia
from small solo businesses to large-scale national and international global companies.
Photo by Bruce of Addept Visuals and Peak Design
A directory of the businesses in Rakaia.
Building & Engineering
Rakaia has a large number of building and engineering firms that service the larger area and district.
Excavation & Contracting
Rakaia’s excavation and contracting companies service the river and farms in the area.
Farming & Agriculture
Rakaia’s soil provides great farming and agriculture/horticulture businesses that service not only the local economy but provide produce and seeds that feed people globally.
ENTREPRENEURIAL, crafts, innovation
Rakaia has an innovative community with many home-based industries and services.
Beauty & Retail
Rakaia is a small semi-rural township that has several beauty businesses along with retail shops and a supermarket that provides for the locals and visitors alike.
The hospitality in Rakaia is second to none. The locals are friendly and welcoming. The town has two pubs and hearty meals along with Indian takeaways and a fish n chip shop with divine burgers. If you are in a hurry, stop by the Mobil for ready-to-go takeaways available on the fly.
But if it is a good coffee you are after you can’t go past Salmon Tales Cafe or the Little Red Cafe. While at each of the two cafe’s take a look around the Rakaia Country Arts store and the Little Red Cafe Gift Shop.